Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful 11/23/17

There are a few things
That I think it's time for me
To be thankful for...
Like, I'mthankful I'm just an Afterthought to those
I most care about.
Thankful that I'm about done Turning myself inside out
To please other people's
Ideas of what they think
I should be doing
What they think I should be Saying and how they think
I should be living.
I'm thankful that today,
I get to be all by myself
Giving thanks
For the life
I no longer want

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Breanne's Obituary 11/16/

Once again
I lay here on my bed
The truly insane
Conundrum that has
Become my world

And the sad part is
I get excited...
The game gets me
Up and moving

Instead of wallowing
In my misery
And choking on
The hurt and the
Inside me
Over all the losses
I have suffered

I find myself just
Existing in this life..
Like Breanne died
The day Kairi lay
Lifeless in her arms
You lost Breanne too...

And you're left with
The empty, cold,
Insane bitch you see
Before you now
I may still be walking
But I'm so dead inside
There is no coming back
My heart has been shattered
One too many times and
I just can't seem
To make myself

Anything but the daughter
Who hasn't spoken to me
Since she assumed incorrectly
That I killed her baby sister
And the child that loves
And misses me who I can't
See because I know she will
End up hating me too
And that will End it for me
The living corpse I am
Will finally lose everything

And end this living death
I seem to be buried under