So, just because you're pregnant doesn't change the fact that you basically ass raped everyone you ever claimed to love over and over. I'd say I was sorry that your poor excuse of an apology didn't strike a chord in me, but it just fucking doesn't. Not only did you use me for most of my life, but you used people I love. I'm only going to speak for myself when I say you can just quit trying to talk to me, tag me on facebook where I've clearly blocked you, and/or try and get information on me through other people. What part of: I don't want anything to do with you and your lying ass don't you understand?? Do you really think I'm that stupid? Apparently so. You keep acting like I'm just going to cave in like I used to and everything is going to go the way YOU think it should. Well guess what bitch? You can't fix everything with a shrug and an I'm sorry. It doesn't work that way. You can't just come and go as you please goddammit. You are so unbelievably selfish I can't even comprehend you. I don't think I ever knew who you were. You hurt me so badly that it bleeds over into my everyday. I can't trust the way I used to. I can't live the way I used to because you changed me. You showed me just how ugly the world can be, and you showed me just how much you didn't care. So, how's THIS for a fucking tag?
This was what was written in response to a post on Facebook that I put up yesterday. The speaker is my sister, and here is my response...
I completely and totally understand why you feel the way you feel. You have every right. I won't argue or beg you for another chance because obviously you won't allow that... So I will respect it. All I want to say is this...
Jillian is only 13 years old... not 18, and if you have something you'd like to say to me, please, feel free to IM me or respond here... She is very intelligent and in MY opinion, doesn't need to read that shit like that about her mother from the aunt she loves more than life it's self plastered all over Facebook. I've done a lot of wrong and I don't deny it, but she doesn't need to be put through what you've just put her through by saying these things to the world... Fuck anyone else's opinion out there, but hers matters. She and I have been talking and taking things slow so that she doesn't get overwhelmed by having me around... I'm taking her lead here and hopefully, your venom won't poison her.
That's all I have to say for now... oh, and next time you have something to say, remember to tag me so that I can get it without having to resort to other measures. I'm not afraid to face anything you have to say to me...
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