Monday, April 1, 2013

To Christopher... 4/1/13

So this goes out to you...
Knowing that within these words
Pours oceans of love
And best wishes...

But it is time to fly
To take flight into the unknown
To bundle up the past
Fold it neatly and put it aside
To shake out and examine at a later time
Now... Now my love....
It's time to fly
To your future...
To your destiny...

Know that you go with a part of my heart
So deeply inside you that it'll never be shaken loose
That the memory of all you are
And all you have done for me
Is a part of the me you always believed possible
I couldn't have gotten this far
Without you...
So know this...
Whenever you need me
I will be there for you

Time to fly my friend
Into the unknown...
With my light
Always a beacon
Should you ever feel the need
To return home....

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Bre! And Chis, she is a true friend, she cherishes you, lots of love to you both. Thank you for everything you've done for my family, we are at peace.
