Sunday, May 5, 2013

Five Years Ago... 5/5/13

Today is your day
I am praying it finds you
That it finds you
That you don't have to sit
And wonder...
Like I do
That you don't have to
Wonder if I'm thinking about you
Because I am...
Every moment
Of every day
You're here with me
In my heart and on my mind
And I'm missing you so badly today
That it burns
I know you'll be having your
Big girl birthday party
Because 5 years ago today
You were placed on my belly
New to this world
Unaware of what would
To keep us apart
Just a few years later
I wish more than anything
That I could be there
That I could hold you
That I could give you the gifts
And make today beautiful for you
But if I were to show
If I were to crash
It would only bring pain
And that's the reason I stay away
In the first place
I don't want to hurt you
Any more than I already have

So Happy Birthday Irelynd
I hope you have a wonderful day
With your family
You ARE missed
You ARE loved
And it won't be much longer

1 comment:

  1. wow...really 5 years old...holy cow, well happy birthday Ireland....
